
6 Jan

I am amazed that tropical rain still amazes me. 20 years of familiarity should have numbed the effect of a good, pouring, thunder-filled, lightning-accompanied rain at home. But ever since I started living half my years abroad, the rain at home (and by home, I mean home home not home Homerton) is fascinating! I keep thinking that if it rained like this at the Bridge, I would be a lot more thankful to be on the 3rd floor and not at ground level. And I forgot how much I like the sound of rain pouring down on a zinc roof… resistance to naps? Futile.

Speaking of home Homerton, only a week and a half to Flight Day now. Not particularly looking forward to another KL-Dubai-London-Cambridge trip, but the transit and time difference will be much better this round. The last 31-hour nightmare was no fun at all, least of all when you throw in screaming children on a 7-hour flight into the picture. I wonder if we will one day reach a stage where airlines will mark out one cabin for those travelling with children below a certain age. Or those above a certain decibel level. Same concept as a Baby Room or Toddler Creche for church services – only a cabin on a plane, instead.

So, 10 days to go and lots of work to rush, as (Cambridge) always. Plus a few applications to go! I’ve finally thrown my hat into the ring for summer vacation schemes at commercial law firms in London. If it’s in His plan for me to go forth and learn at a firm with great commercial and pro bono work… then “Here I am.” (Genesis 22:1) Such a long process to go – exciting times! 🙂

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